LAHORE: A seminar under the title “Smart Pakistan” was conducted by the Global Social Entrepreneurship (GSE) Foundation on Wednesday in Lahore.
“The efficient usages of the modern technology should be promoted for the security of cities, neighbourhoods, houses and all sorts of workplaces,” speakers expressed their views while addressing the seminar.
GSE Foundation Founder Muhammad Siddique said that to make Pakistan smart, every individual should work smart so that the whole eco-system could be made smart. He said that the smart security systems documented an individual’s behaviour and performance and the documents could be used to improve people’s performances.
He said that the GES Foundation was launching the campaign “Smart Pakistan” which aimed at creating safe cities, jobs for the people and equal opportunities for all. University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Vice-Chancellor Dr Fazal Ahmed Khalid said that smart technology could be used to accelerate learning in classrooms and on campuses.
He said that his own university was stepping towards efficient classrooms by adopting sensor technology. On the occasion, Shahzad Zafar said that they had set up Pakistan’s first ever smart project in Islamabad and he desired that every neighbourhood of Pakistan was smartly secured and connected with an eco-system.
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Chairman Jawed Salim Qureshi said security was becoming the most critical issue of the day and information technology could revolutionise the security issues. He said that smart technology could control crime against women and children and Kasur like incidents could be controlled by using smart technology.
University of Faisalabad Pro-Rector Dr Zahir Paracha said that smart Pakistan started with smart people, smart leadership, and then smart technology.